Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UVM Questions - 4

Q: What is the difference between uvm_component and uvm_object?
Q: We already have uvm_object, why do we need uvm_component which is actually derived class of uvm_object?

A: uvm_component is a static entity and always tied(bind) to a given hardware and/or a TLM interface
   uvm_object is a dynamic entity and is not tied to any hardware/TLM interface

   uvm_component like uvm_driver is always connected to a particular DUT interface because throughout the simulation its job is fixed i.e. to drive the designated signals into DUT

   uvm_object like uvm_transaction is not connected to any particular DUT interface and its fields can take any random value based on randomization constraints.
   Though uvm_component is derived from uvm_object, uvm_component has got these additional interfaces

       * Hierarchy provides methods for searching and traversing the component hierarchy.
       * Phasing defines a phased test flow that all components follow, with a group of standard phase methods and an API for custom phases and multiple independent phasing domains to mirror DUT behavior e.g. power
       * Configuration provides methods for configuring component topology and other parameters ahead of and during component construction.
       * Reporting provides a convenience interface to the uvm_report_handler.  All messages, warnings, and errors are processed through this interface.
       * Transaction recording provides methods for recording the transactions produced or consumed by the component to a transaction database (vendor specific).
        * Factory provides a convenience interface to the uvm_factory. The factory is used to create new components and other objects based on type-wide and instance-specific configuration

Acronyms used:-
DUT - Design Under Test
TLM - Transaction Level Modelling
API - Application Programming Intefaces

1 comment:

ab_94 said...

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