Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UVM Questions - 5

Q. In the accellera's UVM User guide, there are two monitors shown one at the agent level and another at the environment level, why ?
                                     Picture Courtesy- Accellera

A: There are variety of reasons why you need Monitor at different levels

    Any agent monitor also has a collector inside which collects only that data from DUT interfaces and forms a transaction which is destined to that particular agent.  As shown in the above diagram, Monitor will also have a UVM analysis ports to pass the transaction to other components in the environment like Scoreboard.

   However, the Monitor at the environment level (called as 'bus monitor' here) also snoops the DUT interface and forms the transactions destined to any master/slave agent on the bus but it won't pass the transactions to other components of the environment like scoreboard. This bus-level monitor uses those transactions to perform checking and coverage for the activities that are not necessarily related to a single agent.

Bus monitor is very useful for debugging at the SOC top level testbench environment where both source and destination of data flow (transactions) are within DUT itself. 

UVM Questions - 4

Q: What is the difference between uvm_component and uvm_object?
Q: We already have uvm_object, why do we need uvm_component which is actually derived class of uvm_object?

A: uvm_component is a static entity and always tied(bind) to a given hardware and/or a TLM interface
   uvm_object is a dynamic entity and is not tied to any hardware/TLM interface

   uvm_component like uvm_driver is always connected to a particular DUT interface because throughout the simulation its job is fixed i.e. to drive the designated signals into DUT

   uvm_object like uvm_transaction is not connected to any particular DUT interface and its fields can take any random value based on randomization constraints.
   Though uvm_component is derived from uvm_object, uvm_component has got these additional interfaces

       * Hierarchy provides methods for searching and traversing the component hierarchy.
       * Phasing defines a phased test flow that all components follow, with a group of standard phase methods and an API for custom phases and multiple independent phasing domains to mirror DUT behavior e.g. power
       * Configuration provides methods for configuring component topology and other parameters ahead of and during component construction.
       * Reporting provides a convenience interface to the uvm_report_handler.  All messages, warnings, and errors are processed through this interface.
       * Transaction recording provides methods for recording the transactions produced or consumed by the component to a transaction database (vendor specific).
        * Factory provides a convenience interface to the uvm_factory. The factory is used to create new components and other objects based on type-wide and instance-specific configuration

Acronyms used:-
DUT - Design Under Test
TLM - Transaction Level Modelling
API - Application Programming Intefaces

Friday, December 7, 2012

UVM Questions - 3

Q. What is the advantage of using type_id::create() over new() while creating objects ?

There is nothing wrong in creating the objects for any uvm_component with constructor function new(), however if you are using UVM, there are some advantages of using factory way of creating objects i.e using

classname ::type_id::create("object name", parent)

This is what UVM1.1 Class Reference says

"Using the factory instead of allocating them directly (via new) allows different objects to be substituted for the original without modifying the requesting class"

Q: How to implement polymorphism in UVM?

The above advantage is illustrated through the polymorphism of a 'generic monitor' as follows:-

Any generic Monitor component's implementation will be

   class xyz_monitor extends uvm_monitor ;

      task run_phase ;
         // Implements monitor functionality here

Monitor has following modes of operation apart from basic xyz_monitor mode
     1. Mode1
     2. Mode2

   class monitor_mode1 extends xyz_monitor;
     // Implement monitor mode1

   class monitor_mode2 extends xyz_monitor;
     // Implement monitor mode2

    class parent extends uvm_env;
         xyz_monitor mon;
        mon = xyz_monitor::type_id::create("mon",this);

Now during compilation you can specify which mode of the monitor you need for a particular simulation run using

    +uvm_set_type_override=<\req_type\>, <\overrid_type\>[,<\replace\>]

which work like the name based overrides in the factory--factory.set_type_override_by_name()

For the above example, If we need mode1 of monitor then the command line will be

For mode2, it would be

Effectively, there were no exclusive objects created for monitor mode1 or mode2, it basically override the object created for the object 'mon' which was originally of type 'xyz_monitor' and this is called Polymorphism because 'mon' object can potentially be any one of these types i.e. xyz_monitor or monitor_mode1 or monitor_mode2 for a given simulation run.

In fact, for the same monitor example if we have two instances(or objects) of xyz_monitor in your environment

    class parent extends uvm_env;
         xyz_monitor mon;
         xyz_monitor mon_extra;
        mon           = xyz_monitor::type_id::create("mon",this);
        mon_extra = xyz_monitor::type_id::create("mon",this);

Now during compilation(command line) you can specify which modes of the monitor you need for a particular simulation run using

We can override 'mon' object to be of type monitor_mode1 using

We can override 'mon_extra' object to be of type monitor_mode2 using

Please note that for 'uvm_set_inst_overrride', you need extra argument which is the path of 'object' and it has to start from uvm_test_top

Thursday, December 6, 2012

UVM Questions -2

Q. How to Create a scoreboard with add_item() , check_item() functions using UVM ?
A:  You need to first declare a class for the Scoreboard

    class scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard;

Now you actually need two TLM ports one for the add_item() and another for check_item(). however UVM by default allows only one port per UVM 'component'. In order to have more ports you have to tell the factory in the following way, outside the class declaration.

UVM allows more than one imp ports to be declared which will not affect source of the analysis ports. Declaring two Analysis imp ports; one for the expected transaction and another for actual transaction

// In ocp imp port for the expected transaction (add_item())

// Out ocp imp port for the actual transaction( check_item())

Now you delcare these UVM analysis ports with the above extesions respectively.

   // Internally SCBD_ADD looks for the write_add_item() function
   uvm_analysis_imp_add_item#(transaction, scoreboard) SCBD_ADD;
   // Internally SCBD_CHECK looks for the write_check_item() function
   uvm_analysis_imp_check_item#(transaction, scoreboard) SCBD_CHECK;

where transaction is a 'uvm_transaction' and scoreboard is 'uvm_scoreboard'.

Now,  you need to create seperate constructors for the above imp ports

   function new(string name, uvm_component parent = null);, parent);
       SCBD_ADD  = new("SCBD_ADD", this);
       SCBD_CHECK = new("SCBD_CHECK",this);

 In order to implement the 'write()' functions of the producer of transaction i.e Monitor, we need the following functions in the scoreboard which is the consumer of the 'transaction'

   function void write_add_item( transaction t1);
       // Implement adding of the items to scoreoboard here

   function void write_check_item( transaction t2);

      // Implement checking of items against the expected
      // remove the expected item if match PASSES otherwise
      // fire an error

In reality,  UVM analysis port SCBD_ADD would get connected to the Monitor on 'Generator' which is giving expected data and SCBD_CHECK would get connected to the Collector which is providing actual data.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

UVM Questions -1

Q. Why the heck there are so many UVM Run time phases ? I want to have freedom to write the test in my own way without the hassle of these phases. Why can't I?

A: No, that's UVM for you. UVM expects the Verification Engineer to be much more organised in the way tests are written. Imagine verification team of five to six verification engineers, all writing tests in their own way, they might be able to verify the DUT to good extent, but there won't be any standard *flow* in those tests and it will be highly time consuming for someone to understand/modify/maintain the tests written by someone else in the team. That's why UVM is prescribing the following predefined RUN phases which suites most of the verification environments:-

From Accellera's Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.1 Class Reference:-

UVM Run-Time Phases  
The run-time schedule is the pre-defined phase
schedule which runs concurrently to the

uvm_run_phase global run phase.

uvm_pre_reset_phase Before reset is asserted.

uvm_reset_phase Reset is asserted.

uvm_post_reset_phase After reset is de-asserted.

uvm_pre_configure_phase Before the DUT is configured by the SW.

uvm_configure_phase The SW configures the DUT.

uvm_post_configure_phase After the SW has configured the DUT.

uvm_pre_main_phase Before the primary test stimulus starts.

uvm_main_phase Primary test stimulus.

uvm_post_main_phase After enough of the primary test stimulus.

uvm_pre_shutdown_phase Before things settle down.

uvm_shutdown_phase Letting things settle down.

uvm_post_shutdown_phase After things have settled down.

This way , irrespective who writes the test, one has to organise his tests using these phases. Effectively UVM enforces this 'test writing descipline' for the common benefit of the team of verification engineers which is also productive indeed.

Of course, one has to understand that you are not limited to/by above mentioned phases. One can always come up with new run_phase and add it this phase sequence for which UVM already has the support.

Bottomline is UVM is not curtailing the 'creative thinking' in writing testcases by verification engineer, rather its demanding you to be 'organised', that's it.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Top 12 Questions on Testbench

Verification Engineer can ask these general questions about the Verification Infrastructure or popularly known as Test-bench either at the beginning of the project or at the end of the project as check.

1. Is Verification infrastructure are nicely broken down into logical, appropriate Test-bench components to enable parallel development of those components ?

2. Have I understood the Requirement Specifications or Design specifications to the extent to by which I can handle ambiguity and take independent decisions during debug ?

3. Do I have the reasonable amount of practical knowledge of the off-the-shelf VIPs, if any used ?

4. If the Test-bench is inherited from the previous project, Is the due-diligence done on the various aspects of the Test-bench considering the current design? Have I identified the list of modifications to existing Test-bench?

5. Do I have the list of sanity test-cases which target the minimal set of design functionality?

6. Do I have a plan where I execute test-cases (or verification plan) systematically in the order of increasing complexity?

7. What is the strategy to connect the various Test-bench components and their unit of interaction. Has this been figured out?

8. Is the running of Test-cases 'push button' or single command-line?

9. Is the Verification infrastructure good enough to handle the Corner cases ? Consider interesting and overlapping of design features in a single scenario.

10. Have I investigated the possibility of replacing the Test-bench checkers with assertions in RTL?

11. Is my test-bench robust enough, means once all the regression PASSES, suppose a fault is introduced into the RTL, can the test-bench really catch this ?

12. What is the strategy on Functional Coverage ? It depends on the kind of design under test(DUT).         
              * If the design has predominantly 'data-path' kind of functionality, its generally sufficient just to cover the stimulus (means various fields of generated items)
              * If the design has predominantly 'control-path' kind of functionality, its required to cover for both stimulus and manifestation in an intelligent way

Monday, March 19, 2012

Templates in e

Haven't you still used templates to create your Testbench infrastructure or Framework? I would suggest start using it.

I thought of writing a small blog on Templates and then found this article at Cadence's specman website, which is quite good in explaining the basics of Template and how it is better than Macros in terms of the ease of creation and usage.

There is also another good article which illustrates the power of templates using the Generic Scoreboard as example. I say 'generic' because the basic code for Scoreboard doesn't need to have the what transaction type scoreboard will act on. 'Transaction type' is added when you are 'extend'ing the scoreboard in your individual testbenches. This is great way to build your Testbench framework which in turn can be used to build the individual testbenches.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Macros in Vi:-

Macros in VI editor are very handy when it comes to quick modifications to a givenin a repititive fashion. Imagine you have a file which has a word "Loading" at the begining of every line in your fileand you want to move this word "Loading" to the end of each line in the file.
Then you can use 'map' command to create macros to get this done quick/smart way.In the VI command line just use

: map z /Loading^M^[yw$^[p

The above macro searches for "Loading" and then copies that word(yw) and goes to end of the line ($) and paste the word there using 'p' command and once the macro 'z' is created you can simply use this as a command in normal mode of the VI and each 'z' command will do this for a line.
To carry out this repetitively for n number of lines another macro called "rep' can be created

:map rep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

To execute macro for only the 'n'th line

: map ten 10z

More VI tricks next time...until then enjoy this VI trick

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Design Engineer, Verification Engineer and the Gap

Its often said that there is generally a 'gap' between Design Engineer(DE) and Verification Engineer(VE). Initially I always thought that Verification Engineer's knowledge about the design is limited and that's what is called as 'gap'. However, later I came to know that this gap is not all that bad and could have be both positive as well as negative shades.

By positive, I mean that VE can have his doubts about the design implementation or in some cases design(w.r.t Specification) itself and hence he won't be under the influence of the DE. This could really work out in favour of VE in most cases. Just to support my viewpoint, other day when I was talking to a DE, he told me that there is a *new* VE in his team who is able to find good number of bugs to his surprise and he also said this was possible because that VE doesnt know much about the protocol or design and he is able to hit the cases which were thought as invalid or illegal(though they are not). This new VE unknowingly brought the paradigm shift in the way verification was done.
The ability to question the 'status-quo' in this case is quite predominant because the new VE is not biased by the Designer's viewpoint or perspective.

This 'gap' also has negative shades since this curtails the VE's decision making progress in the course of verificaiton especially during debug. Generally VE starts on a 'debug journey' whenever a Testbench reports error; once its confirmed that its not a TB issue, then VE's thought/debug processes branches out in multiple directions and in the process he ends up making a decisions based on his previous experience or knowledge about the design. The path he takes could lead him to a bug or nowhere depending on how good the decission is. In order to make a good decision, depth of understanding of RTL/design will help in a big way. However, the real quality/ingenuity of the VE will be tested and how much unbiased/independentness he shows in making that decision will decide the fate of debug.
Generally in these cases, I have observed that VE being 'tenacious' can make a huge difference at the end. VE can be easily overriden by hugely experienced DEs( not necessarily good DEs) and this is where Management's role come into picture. If the issues is such that its neither concluded a design bug nor an issue which can be ignored, then management should always back the VE and ask DE to help out in debug till its root-caused.

Asking right questions to DE could be one of the ways through which VE can gain confidence. Some of the questions could be like these:-

1. I found this in specifications/standard and I see that this is not taken care ..what's your take on this?
2. I found that one block(A) in the design supports this functionality whereas same functionality is broken in other block(B). How can this be?
3. I happen to hit upon a illegal case but I didn't find in the documentation that after this illegal condition what is the intended behaviour by design ?
4. This implementaiton is well within what is specified by standards, However, I see that its not inline with the design intent based on design documentation. Is this correct?

This list can be really long and I am deciding to stop here. In my next blog, I would like to share what kind of questions a VE can ask himself ( about the Verificaiton Infrastructure).